John Simpkins directed the three-time Drama Desk nominated Off-Broadway production of Bloodsong of Love (by Tony nominee Joe Iconis) at Ars Nova. Also with Mr. Iconis, he directed the World Premieres of Love in Hate Nation (Two River Theater) and The Black Suits at LA’s Center Theatre Group (Kirk Douglas Theatre). New York credits also include the Off-Broadway productions of The Bus (59E59 Theatre); ReWrite (Urban Stages); Things to Ruin (which he co-conceived and directed at Second Stage, Ars Nova) and The Black Suits (SPF/ Public Theatre). International productions include the World Premiere of Legendale (music by Andrea Daly, words by Jeff Bienstock) at Fredericia Teater in Denmark.
John is honored to have worked with Marvin Hamlisch, having directed two productions of Sweet Smell of Success. He also directed a staged concert of Sweet Smell of Success at the Hudson Theatre – starring Jeremy Jordan, Marc Kudisch, Linsday Mendez, Adam Jacobs and Marissa McGowan.
Regional productions include Raging Skillet (World Premiere – Theaterworks Hartford); Legendale (American Premiere – Human Race Theatre Company); Hairspray (North Carolina Theatre); The Black Suits (Barrington Stage); Damn Yankees (Engeman Theatre); A Wonderful Life (Engeman Theatre); Annie (Sacramento Music Circus); Cabaret (Sacramento Music Circus); Evita (Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma). A strong supporter of the development of new work, he has commissioned and directed Love in Hate Nation (Joe Iconis), The Last Day (Mike Reid/ Sarah Schlesinger), The Lucky Boy (Kirsten Childs), Dust and Embers (Sam Salmond) and Nostalgia Night (Matthew McCollum, Sofya Levitsky-Weitz) through a New Musicals Initiative he created at Penn State University, where he is Professor and Head of Musical Theatre.